Tuesday 27 September 2011


IAN LESLIE - Born Liars
CHRIS WATSON - Nature Disco

The Salon was an Italian invention of the 16th century and was traditionally a gathering of people under the roof of an inspiring host, held partly to amuse one another and partly to refine taste and increase their knowledge of the participants through conversation. It became an important place for the exchange of ideas, in urban settings, among like-minded people. Two weeks ago a few of us went to a Salon London event; promising a showcase of specialists from the worlds of science, the arts and psychology and the strap line 'a lot more fun than it sounds', we were expecting to gain fresh perspectives and new experiences, and we weren't disappointed. Located two storeys down, under a hidden gentleman's club was a hive of energy, full of people interested in exploring and sharing new ideas. The speakers were both passionate and engaging while still managing to maintain a relaxed platform for audience input. After the presentations the night continued with live music and the opportunity to meet more people and discuss the previous events. A few G&TS later, Mark and I got carried away with the idea of bringing the Salon idea to Manchester, so who knows? Watch this space.